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Review & Comments on 15 Secrets successful people know about Time Management

Updated: Oct 22, 2019

Today I have finished reading this book. This is my second book on Time Managment (previous book was Getting Things Done). It focusses on how highly effective people focuses on their time. Below are my learnings from the book

1. There is only 1440 minutes in a day

2. Find out MIT ( Most Important Thing) to do in the day, do this first. Reprioritize other tasks for later

3. Work from your Calendar instead of TODO Lists. Religiously follow your calendar.

Think your calendar as a doctor's appointment and cannot skip it.

4. Stop Procrastinating

5. Accept the fact that there will always be more to do it in a day, so do not add everything in your calendar

6. Maintain a Journal for yourself

7. Focussing is about saying "NO". Every "Yes" is a "No" to something

8. Pareto Principle, 80 - 20 rule. 80 percent of result will come from 20 percent of the action.

9. Analyze the tasks based on Drop, Delegate, Redesign

10. If a task can be done in 5 minutes without interrupting your current schedule of tasks, then do it.

11. Focussing on everything is waste of energy, rather focus on important things

12. Theming your day helps focussing on important aspects

13. Give time for yourself so we can refocus & energize ourselves

14. Don't sacrifice sleep for productivity bcz eventually it will catch up

15. Pomodoro technique, 25 mins of timer, with short breaks 3-5 minutes, after 4 pomodoro's take a long break of 15-20 minutes.

16. First 60minutes of the day after you wakeup, is the most important part of the day

E3C system,

Energy, Capture, Calendar & Concentrate

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